Our Publications
Stiffening of the extracellular matrix is a sufficient condition for airway hyperreactivity*
R.R Jamieson, S.E Stasiak, S. R. Polio, C McCormick, R.D Auspsburg, J.W Ruberti, and H. Parameswaran. Journal of Applied Physiology 2021 Jun 1;130(6):1635-1645.
*This work was selected by the American Physiological Society for APS Select, a collection of best papers in Physiology
Intercellular communication controls agonist-induced calcium oscillations independently of gap junctions in smooth muscle cells
S.E Stasiak, R.R Jamieson, J. Bouffard, E.J. Cram and H. Parameswaran, Science Advances. 2020 Aug 5;6(32)
Intercellular adhesion stiffness moderates cell decoupling as a function of substrate stiffness
D. A. Vargas*, T. Heck, B. Smeets, H. Ramon, H. Parameswaran and H. Van Oosterwyck. Biophysical Journal. July 2020, 119(2):243-257
*First author was a visiting scholar in our lab during the summer of 2019
Extracellular matrix stiffness regulates human airway smooth muscle contraction by altering the cell-cell coupling
S.R. Polio, S.E Stasiak,R.R Jamieson, J.L Balestrini and H. Parameswaran, Sci Rep 9, 9564 (2019).
CT Imaging-Based Low-Attenuation Super Clusters in Three Dimensions and the Progression of Emphysema
Mondoñedo JR, Sato S, Oguma T, Muro S, Sonnenberg AH, Zeldich D, Parameswaran H, Hirai T and Suki B. Chest. 2019 Jan;155(1):79-87.
* First author was a advised by HP as a Ph.D thesis committee member.
Role for Cela1 in Postnatal Lung Remodeling and Alpha-1 Antitrypsin-Deficient Emphysema
R. Joshi, A. Heinz, Q Fan, S Guo, B Monia, C.E.H. Schmelzer, A.S. Weiss, M.Batie, H. Parameswaran and B.M.Varisco. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2018 Aug;59(2):167-178.
Blood pressure-induced physiological strain variability modulates wall structure and function in aorta rings
Imsirovic J, Bartolák-Suki E, Jawde SB, Parameswaran H and Suki B. Physiol Meas. 2018.Oct 30;39(10):1050
Assessing Structure-Function Relations in Mice Using the Forced Oscillation Technique and Quantitative Histology
H.Parameswaran and Suki B. Methods Mol Biol. 2017;1639:77-91
Invited Book Chapter
Prior Work
Mitochondrial iron chelation ameliorates cigarette smoke–induced bronchitis and emphysema in mice
M Cloonan, K.Glass, A.R. Bhashyam, M.E Laucho-Contreras, M. Cervo, M.A Pabon, C. Konrad, F. Polverino, K. Miziumura, M. Ghosh, H. Parameswaran, N.M Williams, K.T. Rooney, Z.H Chen, M.P. Goldklang, G.Yuan, S.C Moore, D.L. Demeo, T.A. Rouault, J.M. D’Armiento, E.A Schon, G. Manfredi, J. Quackenbush, A. Mahmood, Edwin .K. Silverman, C.A. Owen and Augustine M. Choi. Nature Medicine 22, 163–174 (2016)
Mechanical forces accelerate collagen digestion by bacterial collagenase in lung tissue strips.
E.Yi, S. Sato, A Takahashi, H. Parameswaran, TA Blute, E.B.Suki and B Suki. Front. Physiol. 2016 Sep;31(5):346-58.
Regulatory Roles of Fluctuation-Driven Mechanotransduction in Cell Function.
Suki B, Parameswaran H, Imsirovic J and Bartolák-Suki E. Physiology (Bethesda). 2016 Sep;31(5):346-58
Fluctuation-driven mechanotransduction regulates mitochondrial-network structure and function
E.B.Suki, J. Imsirovic, H. Parameswaran, T. Wellman, N Martinez, P.G. Allen, U. Frey and B. Suki. Nature Materials. (2015)
Scale Dependence of Structure-Function Relationship in the Emphysematous Mouse Lung
S. Sato, E.B. Suki, H. Parameswaran, H. Hamakawa and B. Suki. Front. Physiol. 6:146. 2015
Can Breathing-Like Pressure Oscillations Reverse or Prevent Narrowing of Small Intact Airways?
B. Harvey, H. Parameswaran and K.R. Lutchen J. Appl. Physiol. 2015.
Lung structure and function in elastase-treated rats: A follow-up study
Szabari MV, Tolnai J, Maár BA, Parameswaran H, Bartolák-Suki E, Suki B, Hantos Z. J. Appl. Physiol. 2015.
Linking Ventilation Heterogeneity Quantified via Hyperpolarized 3He MRI to Dynamic Lung Mechanics and Airway Hyperresponsiveness
J.Liu, H. Parameswaran, M.S. Albert, K.R. Lutchen. PLoS ONE 10(11): e0142738 2015
A computational model of the response of adherent cells to stretch and changes in substrate stiffness
H. Parameswaran, K.R. Lutchen and B. Suki. J. Appl. Physiol. 116: 825-34, 2014.
Topographical control of multiple cell adhesion molecules for traction force microscopy
vS.R. Polio, H. Parameswaran, E.P. Canovic, D. Stamenovic, M.L. Smith. Integrative Biology 6(3): 357-65, 2014.
Proteoglycans maintain lung stability in an elastase-treated mouse model of emphysema
Takahashi A, Majumdar A, Parameswaran H, Bartolák-Suki E, Suki B. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2014 Jul;51(1):26-33.
JNK suppresses pulmonary fibroblast elastogenesis during alveolar development
S.Liu, H. Parameswaran, S.M. Young and B. Varisco. Resp. Res. 15: 34, 2014.
Computational modeling helps uncover mechanisms related to the progression of emphysema
B.Suki and H. Parameswaran. Drug Discov Today Dis Models 2014 Jul 8;70(27-28):4245-4249
Emphysema and mechanical stress-induced lung remodeling.
Suki B, Sato S, Parameswaran H, Szabari MV, Takahashi A, Bartolák-Suki E. Physiology (Bethesda). 2013 Nov;28(6):404-13.
Can tidal breathing with deep inspirations of intact airways create sustained bronchoprotection or bronchodilation?
B. Harvey, H. Parameswaran and K.R. Lutchen. J. Appl Physiol. May 30 2013.
Semiautomatic segmentation of ventilated airspaces in healthy and asthmatic subjects using hyperpolarized (3)He MRI.
J.Lui, A.S. Laprad, H. Parameswaran, Y. Sun, M.S. Albert and K.R. Lutchen. Comput. Math. Methods. Med. 2013;2013:624683.
Acute mechanical forces cause deterioration in lung structure and function in elastase-induced emphysema.
M.V. Szabari, H. Parameswaran, S. Sato, Z. Hantos, E.B. Suki and B. Suki. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. Oct 2012
Functional and morphological assessment of early impairment of airway function in a rat model of emphysema.
J. Tolnai, M.V. Szabari, G. Albu, B. Maar, H. Parameswaran, E.B. Suki, B. Suki and Z Hantos. J. Appl. Physiol. Jun 2012
Jamming dynamics of stretch-induced surfactant release by alveolar type II cells.
A. Majumdar, S.P. Arold, E. B. Suki, H. Parameswaran, and B. Suki. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2012 Mar;112(5):824-31.
Microtubule dynamics regulate cyclic stretch- induced cell alignment in human airway smooth muscle cells
M.Morioka*, H. Parameswaran* K. Naruse, M. Kondo, M. Sokabe, Y. Hasegawa, B. Suki, and S. Ito. PLoS-ONE 6(10), October 2011.
*Equal Contribution
Linking Microscopic Patterns of Tissue Destruction in Emphysema to Macroscopic Stiffness Decline using a Three-Dimensional Computational Model.
H. Parameswaran, A. Majumdar and B. Suki. PLoS Computational Biol. 7(4), April 2011.
Dynamics of Enzymatic Digestion of Elastic Fibers and Networks under Tension
A. Araujo, A. Majumdar, H. Parameswaran, E. Yi, J. Spencer, M. Nugent and B. Suki. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. May 2011
Structure-function relations in an elastase-induced mouse model of emphysema*
H. Hamakawa, E.B. Suki, H. Parameswaran, A. Majumdar, K. Lutchen, B. Suki. Am. J. Respir. Cell Mol. Biol. Sept. 2011
*HP's work was featured on the cover
Mechanical failure, Stress Redistribution, Elastase Activity and Binding Site Availability on Elastin During the Progression of Emphysema
B. Suki, R. Jesudason, S. Sato, H. Parameswaran, A.D. Araujo, A. Majumdar, P.G. Allen, E. Bartolak-Suki. Pulm. Pharmacol. Ther. April. 2011
Mechanical forces regulate elastase activity and Binding site availability in lung elastin
R. Jesudason, S. Sato, H. Parameswaran, A.D. Araujo, A. Majumdar, P.G. Allen, E.B. Suki and B. Suki. Biophys. J. 99(9): 3076-83, 2010
Autophagy protein LC3B activates extrinsic apoptosis during cigarette-smoke induced emphysema
Z. Chen, H. Lam, Y. Jin, HH. Kim, J. Cao, S. Lee, E. Ifedigbo, H. Parameswaran, S. Ryter and A. Choi. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci USA. 107(44): 18880-5, 2010.
Three-dimensional measurement of alveolar airspace volumes in normal and emphysematous lungs using micro-CT
H. Parameswaran, E.B. Suki, H. Hamakawa, A. Majumdar, P. Allen, B. Suki. J. Appl. Physiol. 107(2): 583-592, 2009
Estimating the diameter of airways susceptible for collapse using crackle sound
A. Majumdar, Z. Hantos, J. Tolnai, H. Parameswaran, R. Tepper, and B. Suki. J. Appl. Physiol.,107(5):1504-12, 2009
Quantitative characterization of airspace enlargement in emphysema
H. Parameswaran, A. Majumdar, S. Ito, A. M. Alencar, and B. Suki. J. Appl. Physiol. 100: 186-193, 2006
Pattern of parenchymal destruction determines lung function decline.
H. Parameswaran, A Majumdar, H. Hamakawa, and B. Suki. J. Appl. Physiol. 105(6):1984-1984, 2008
Alveolar macrophage activation and an emphysema like phenotype in adiponectin deficient mice.
R. Summer, F. Little, N. Ouchi, Y. Takemura, T. Aprahamian, D. Dwyer, K. Fitzsimmons, B. Suki, H. Parameswaran, A. Fine, K. Walsh. Am. J. Physiol.: Lung Cell Mol. Physiol. 294: L1035-L1042, 2008
Early emphysema in the tight skin and the pallid mice: roles of microfibril associated glycoprotein, collagen and mechanical forces.
S. Ito, E.B. Suki, J.M. Shipley, H. Parameswaran, A. Majumdar, B. Suki. Am. J. Respir. Cell Mol. Biol. 34(6):688-694, 2006
Mechanics, nonlinearity, and failure strength of lung tissue in a mouse model of emphysema: possible role of collagen remodeling
S. Ito, E.P. Ingenito, K.K. Brewer, L.D. Black, H. Parameswaran, K.R. Lutchen, B. Suki. J. Appl. Physiol. 98: 503-511, 2005.
Tissue heterogeneity in the mouse lung: effects of elastase treatment
S. Ito, E.P. Ingenito, S. P. Arold, H. Parameswaran, N. T. Tgavalekos, K. R. Lutchen, and B. Suki. J. Appl. Physiol. 97: 204-212, 2004.